09 April 2008

Great Comment!

Here's a great comment from the Rev. James Leistico. I'm pulling it from the comments on the letter regarding Issues, Etc. pro-life programs for all to see "up front." Thanks much, Pr. Leistico!

similar to this, I thought that one could respond to Pres. Kieschnick's article in the April Lutheran Witness. In a small way, God used Todd to mold and shape my (our) values (as Mr. Bahr's letter points out in the Stem Cell issue), and I give thanks to God for Todd.

Issues took on "the new opportunities we have... to bring new life and new hope in Jesus Christ to... our culture and society, which increasingly disregard, or give no thought to, God as He reveals Himself in Holy Scripture."

Issues, etc. helped us "come to grips with the changing cultural landscape in America."

Issues, etc. did not simply define itself "as a confessional, orthodox, Lutheran, Christian [radio show] over against other Christian [organizations] - those that do not teach fully in accord with Scripture, and Scripture alone" - it actually lived and behaved according to this definition. Unlike the LCMS, which tolerates, and promotes, congregations with heterodox worship and communion practices; not to mention the voices that go unrebuked which speak favorably of women's ordination.

Issues, etc. not only examined and addressed the false theology of "heterodox Christian church bodies but also [the] new challenges to the Christian faith from outside Christendom - for example, from Islaam, Mormonism, even the so-called 'New Atheism' - that are indifferent to or deny the Gospel and even are hostile to biblical Christianity."

Issues, etc. WAS "moved by the Gospel to proclaim the Good News about Jesus boldly and intentionally in the face of a culture that today opposes the faith - not for the sake of an institution, but because God loves all people and would have them to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim. 2:4)." As the petition has shown, it WAS through Issues, etc., two people of God and their supporters, "that God [brought] the Gospel of salvation in Christ alone to a lost world (2 Cor. 5:18-21)."

"May God grant us hearts that long for the salvation of people in society so that we do what it takes [even if it means repentance over a bad decision and restoration of a radio show that "LOST" approximately $250,000 in the last fiscal year] to reach them with the Good News that God loves them and through the merits of Jesus Christ offers them the free gift of eternal life!"

Again, we must ask: Why was Issues, Etc. taken off the air?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess I should polish it up a bit and send it directly to GK or something. Thought about taking a sampling of Feb-March 08 programs to bolster the argument.