(This was sent to me by a member of my congregation, and I just couldn't resist posting it. :-)
UPDATE: Yes, I should give credit where credit is due. No, I don't want to steal intellectual property; I'm just passing on good stuff when I receive it or happen upon it. This comic comes from The Flying McCoys. You can find this comic here. Also, check out their comics each day at http://www.gocomics.com/theflyingmccoys/
"Lean Six Sigma" seems to be the current cult of choice for many organizations.
Six Sigma can be a good thing, if you're in a business where you can directly attribute success and failure to your behavior.
When all you have is a hammer, all problems look like nails. :)
You probably ought to give attribution on this cartoon, since you've published it in your blog and the cartoonists are Belleville boys. This is from The Flying McCoys.
Thanks, "anonymous."
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